How to backup sql database

The integrity and availability of information are paramount. SQL databases, which serve as the backbone for countless applications across various industries, hold critical data whose loss can be catastrophic. From unexpected hardware failures and software glitches to malicious cyberattacks, the risks associated with data loss are diverse and significant. As such, implementing a robust backup strategy for SQL databases is not just a precaution—it’s a necessity. read more

Unlocking Effective Management of Yammer Communities

Yammer interface

Yammer, an esteemed platform for fostering social connections within enterprises, fosters effortless communication among team members, opening pathways to heightened efficiency and participation. Nonetheless, the importance of proficient oversight cannot be overstated in order to fully capitalize on its advantages, guaranteeing a safe, organized, and orderly utilization. read more

Data Visualization Best Practices: Guide For You 

People are looking at a paper on which a diagram is drawn

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to convey complex information through visuals is a valuable skill. Data visualization transcends mere chart creation; it’s about telling a compelling story with your data while ensuring clarity and impact. In this guide, we delve into data visualization best practices, emphasizing the cardinal rules that every data storyteller should know. read more

Unlocking Human Interaction: DiSC Personality Traits Model

A person and an example of thoughts

In our daily lives, we interact with a diverse array of individuals—friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances. These interactions shape our experiences and, to a great extent, define who we are. Understanding the intricacies of human behavior and personality can lead to more harmonious and effective interactions. Enter the DiSC Personality Traits assessment, a powerful tool designed to decode the complexities of human behavior. read more

Terraform in Azure: A Comprehensive Guide

Example of cloud storage

 In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, infrastructure as code (IaC) has emerged as a game-changer. It allows organizations to define and manage their infrastructure using code, bringing unprecedented levels of automation, scalability, and reproducibility. Terraform, an open-source IaC tool by HashiCorp, is at the forefront of this revolution, and when paired with Microsoft Azure, it becomes a formidable force for cloud orchestration. In this article, we dive deep into the world of Terraform in Azure, exploring its capabilities beyond infrastructure provisioning. read more

Docker Swarm Mode: A Simplified Guide

Hand-holding a folder with files

In the ever-evolving landscape of containerization, orchestrating and managing containers efficiently has become paramount. Docker Swarm Mode emerges as a versatile and user-friendly solution, simplifying container orchestration for both small-scale deployments and large-scale applications. In this article, we delve into the world of Docker Swarm Mode, exploring its features, benefits, and how it stacks up against other container orchestrators. read more

How to Make a Circular Progress Bar in Android?

a circular progress bar with percentage for Android

When developing Android applications, user interfaces play a pivotal role in creating an engaging and interactive experience. 

Circular progress indicators with percentages are an excellent way to visually represent the progress of tasks or actions.

Understanding the Basics

Let’s delve into the fundamental concepts underlying circular progress indicators with percentages in Android.

Circular Progress Bar

A circular progress bar is a graphical element used in Android app interfaces to display the progress of the current task. 

Unlike typical linear progress bars that move from left to right, circular ones are visually appealing and often more intuitive for users. They represent progress in a circular fashion, which can be aesthetically pleasing and space-efficient.

Key attributes of a circular progress bar include:

  • Outer Circle (Track): This is the outermost ring or circle that serves as the background or track. It provides a frame for the progress indicator and often has a fixed appearance;
  • Inner Circular Segment (Fill): The inner part that animates and fills up as the task progresses. It visually represents the task’s completion status, with the filled portion indicating how much of the task has been completed;
  • Progress Value: This is a numerical value that defines the current progress of the task. It ranges from 0 (no progress) to 100 (completion). You can dynamically update this value to reflect task progress;
  • Maximum Value: Specifies the upper limit, usually set to 100. When the progress reaches this maximum value, the task is considered complete;
  • Progress Animation: Often includes smooth animations to make updates visually appealing. These animations can be controlled to create a sense of smooth forward motion.

Percentage Indicator

A percentage indicator is a textual representation of the progress value. It displays the degree of task completion in percentages, making it easy for users to understand how much of the task has been completed. 

The percentage indicator is typically located at the center of the progress bar or adjacent to it for easy visibility.

Key characteristics of a percentage indicator include:

  • Text Display: It usually shows the value as a percentage, e.g., “50%,” when the progress is halfway;
  • Font Size and Color: Text size and color are often customizable to ensure clarity and alignment with the app’s design aesthetics;
  • Dynamic Updates: The percentage indicator should update in real time as the progress value changes. This allows users to receive timely information about task progress.

Circular progress bars with percentage indicators are widely used in various Android applications, such as file download managers, fitness tracking apps, and multimedia players, to provide clear and informative progress tracking.

Understanding these core components and principles will enable you to create visually appealing and user-friendly circular progress indicators with percentage displays in your applications, enhancing overall user comfort.

Setting Up Your Android Project

Now, let’s proceed with the implementation. We will use XML layout files and Java/Kotlin code to create a circular progress bar with a dynamic percentage.

Step 1: Designing the Layout

Start by defining the XML layout, which serves as the visual representation of the progress indicator.

<!-- circular_progress_bar.xml --> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/circularProgressBar" style="?android:attr/progressBarStyleHorizontal" android:layout_width="200dp" android:layout_height="200dp" android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:progress="50" android:max="100" android:indeterminate="false" android:progressDrawable="@drawable/circular_progress_drawable" /> <TextView android:id="@+id/percentageTextView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:text="50%" android:textSize="24sp" android:textColor="@android:color/black" /> </RelativeLayout> read more

Better Bots: Transforming Efficiency through AI Automation

AI bot

In today’s digital age, chatbots have become an integral part of our online interactions. From customer support to virtual assistants, chatbots are transforming the way we communicate with businesses and access information. However, not all chatbots are created equal. To truly stand out in the world of conversational AI, it’s essential to focus on building better bots. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the art and science of creating chatbots that are not only functional but also provide a seamless and valuable user experience. read more